Monday, November 8, 2010

Its beginning to look a lot like....World Diabetes Day!

Five days to go before we celebrate World Diabetes Day on November 14!  Hmmmmm....not as flashy as say, Christmas nor as exciting as Thanksgiving, but just the same, there IS a lot to celebrate about.  A friend of mine, a diabetic since age 30 or what i would fondly refer to as "D30" (heheheheh) posted this online:

"Its Diabetes Awareness Month.  It isn't pink or sexy, doesn't involve boobs, football players, or cute shirts.  Its about being grateful when you or your loved one wakes up in the morning.  Its about 3am glucose checks, needles, low blood sugars, the smell of insulin on your hands after changing a pump site or filling a syringe.  That's a Diabetic's life. "

How true!  So, in the spirit of WDD, I am doing the unthinkable.....i'm gonna RUN!!!  Or walk.....depends really on my current state of health which is sedentary, at best.

Ok, ok so I'll walk. But i will be walking with Noah (or maybe he'll be in the stroller; we haven't figured out the mechanics as of press time) and for a great cause.  You see, the nice fellows over at the UP Pre-Medical Honor Society in partnership with Diabetes Philippines Inc and Diabetes Center Philippines organized a fun run aptly titled "Sugar Rush" for the benefit of people with diabetes and of course, to coincide with the celebration of World Diabetes Day.

So the health buff that I am, I immediately signed up for the rigorous, intense, and jaw-dropping....1 kilometer course.  Fine, 1 kilometer may not be much for most runners, experienced or otherwise, but it might as well be the Death March for someone who has never exercised in their entire life.  There was a feeble attempt at staying fit a few years back which unfortunately ended with a shouting match between me and the gym operator (I didn't pay the dues coz i never went to a single session).  Oh and there was one time, I purchased a punching bag....but couldn't find a beam to hang it on to.  So it was eventually used as a dead weight for the back of my pick up truck.  You can say that what I lack in drive, I more than make up for in terms of ingenuity!

Noah, for his part, doesn't lack exercise.  If any, he has had extensive practice in "running around"as this has been his favorite past time ever since he could walk.  I think most parents of 2 year old boys would agree to this.  They don't call them Terrible Two for nothing!  He probably can run the 3k if he wanted to but I think he's nice enough to consider his dad's hmmmmm limitations.

Ultimately, the real challenge is the heck are we gonna wake up for it?!?!?!?!?!?

1 comment:

  1. Post a pic on facebook of you running (or walking). 1 pic is all you need to get everybody thinking you're a health buff all of a sudden.
